What is BrainPOP Junior?:
BrainPOP Junior an educational video-based website that is geared towards Kindergarten to Grade 3. It offers a variety of videos, games, quizzes and activities for all subjects and grade levels (BrainPOP). It also offers software to help teach students about coding and allows teachers to track student engagement and progress. As my classmates mentioned during their tech tool presentation, this website uses animated characters: Moby and Tim, to help teach students about different subjects.
Benefits of BrainPOP Junior:
It is a great way to introduce a new topic or concept and get students engaged.
Students develop the habit of active viewing.
Teachers are able to pause the videos and engage students when a new vocabulary is introduced, as well as paraphrase what happened and make predictions.
Allows teachers to keep track of their students' learning and provide feedback.
There is a BrainPOP Educations option that provides lesson ideas, news and training.
Different Ways to Use BrainPOP Junior in the Classroom:
During my classmates' tech tool presentation, they discussed a variety of ways that BrainPOP can be used in the classroom. These include:
Educators can choose a video for the class to watch and input questions during the video to promote in-class discussions.
When a question is asked during the video, educators can pause the video to provide students with the opportunity to answer the question.
Educators can also provide the students with graphic organizers for them to take notes and add details about the video.
The quizzes on the website can be used as a pre-assessment on the students' prior knowledge and can also assess their comprehension throughout the lesson.
The features on the website support a variety of different learning styles and levels, which allows educators to incorporate differentiated instruction in their lessons.
After researching and exploring more with BrainPOP Junior, I believe that this is a great website to integrate in the classroom. It is easy to use for both students and educators, and is very interactive. Students are able to learn about new concepts in a fun way while supporting all of their needs. I will definitely incorporate this tech tool in my future classroom!